"The Proverbs of Middle-earth is worth reading, for fun as well as for
(mental) profit. Those two are the twin purposes of books: literary critics
used to say that a book should ‘please and instruct,’ while an old Arabic
proverb says the same thing: ‘Before you shoot the arrow of truth, dip it
in honey.’ This book is both a quiver-full of well-pointed arrows, and a
large jar of honey. It is a romp, as well as a thorough and deeply penetrating exploration of its subject."
David, in his Introduction writes :
"And for those, like me, who know that the longer you get to spend in
Middle-earth, the better, I hope that this book and its insights scratch a
hitherto-unseen itch, and that your future experience of Middle-earth is
enriched as a result."
Published by Oloris Publishing. DO hope you enjoy it.