100 things you never knew about Charles Williams in 100 days (70-61)

Number of days to the launch of 
'Charles Williams: The Third Inkling"
Researched and written by Grevel Lindop

You can pre-order (£25) - Click on the title above.

Day 70
CW's novel [Place of the Lion] inspired by dream of escaped lion in cornfield in JW Dunne's [Experiment With Time] Chapter 12.

Day 69
In its first draft Charles Williams's novel [All Hallows Eve] was to be called after its heroine, a psychic detective.

Day 68
Whilst denouncing magic in his book [Witchcraft] CW taught a disciple the banishing pentagram ritual, telling her it was 'high magic'.

Day 67
CW's 1940 play [The Devil & the Lady] anticipates [Rosemarys Baby] - plot to conceive a baby Satan so he can become incarnate in the world!

Day 66
War poet Sidney Keyes (1922-43) admired Charles Williams & based his poem 'Gilles de Retz' on material from CW's book [Witchcraft].

Day 65
Nov 1940 Charles Williams reviewed a volume of Carmina Gadelica - Gaelic spells chants invocations - calling it 'a work of high importance'.

Day 64
In 1922 AHE Lee commissioned a horoscope for CW: it predicted financial success but advised against getting married.

Day 63
Charles Williams once joined Oxford friends using a ouija. Formerly 'slow, uninteresting', it 'just went batty...shot around the board!'

Day 62

Charles Williams's poem 'Taliessin in the Rose Garden' was inspired by fine rose garden under his office window at Oxford OUP headquarters.

Day 61
CW's Many Dimensions concerns quest to get rid of powerful transcendent object. The theme would appear later in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.


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