100 things you never knew about Charles Williams in 100 days (80-71)

Number of days to the launch of 
'Charles Williams: The Third Inkling"
Researched and written by Grevel Lindop

You can pre-order (£25).  Click on the title above.

Day 80
Charles Williams reviewed Yeats’s [A Vision]: Yeats said he was ‘the only one who has understood the greatness and terror of the diagram’.

Day 79
Charles Williams's wife Michal learned from her poacher father to tickle trout: hence the fish image in poem 'Bors to Elaine'.

Day 78
Phyllis Jones's nickname for Charles Williams was 'Urban' - alluding to the famous pope, his love of the city, and his poem An Urbanity.

Day 77

Christopher Fry took all the character names for [The Lady's Not for Burning] from his friend Charles Williams's book [Witchcraft].

Day 76
Charles Williams [Many Dimensions] is 1st timetravel tale with loop -- wish yourself back in time, get to where you wished, wish again... ad inf!

Day 75
CW's office at OUP's Amen House looked into the judges' retiring room at the Old Bailey, and had good view of prisoners arriving for trial.

Day 74
In 1933 Charles Williams took his colleague & sweetheart Phyllis Jones to see the movie [King Kong].

Day 73
In committee TS Eliot and Charles Williams proposed including 'From the desire of damnation, Good Lord deliver us' in Anglican litany.

Day 72
Charles Williams's salary in 1934, the only year we have figures for, was £50 per annum.

Day 71
In 1940 Charles Williams edited a version of Milton's [Samson Agonistes] for performance and live broadcast on BBC Radio.


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