I think what you say about 'grief being better
than estrangement' is very true. I am sorry you should have had this grief
but, as you describe it, one can't be
sorry for the call.
I also have become much
acquainted with grief now through the death of my great friend Charles Williams, my
friend of friends, the comforter of all our
little set, the most angelic. The odd
thing is that his death has made my
faith ten tunes stronger than it was a week ago. And
I find all that talk about 'feeling he is closer to us than before' isn't just talk.
It's, just what it does feel like - I can't put it into words.
One seems at moments to be
living in a new world. Lots, lots of
pain but not a particle of depression or resentment.
By the bye I've finished a
selection from Geo. Macdonald (365 extracts) which will come out about Xmas: wd.
you (or not) care to have it dedicated to you? I feel it is rather yours by
right as you got more out of him than anyone else to whom I
introduced his books. Just
let me know.
And why should you assume I'm too occupied to
see you? Friday mornings in term are bad, but alright in Vac: and Friday afternoons in both. I
shd. like a visit (with a week's notice) whenever you find one convenient.
Excuse this paper. It may be less blotched than yours but yours
least begin life as a real piece of note paper! I'm so glad Dan has got his job made
Letters (Volume II)
From the Letter
to Mary Neylan – 20th May 1945
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