Charles Williams Society AGM

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Shoe Lane, Oxford

Saturday, 28th April from 12:00 noon

The day will begin with the AGM followed by lunch -- anyone fancy a pint in the 'Bird and Baby' after visiting Charles' grave at St. Cross Cemetery?

At 2:00pm Grevel Lindop will give a talk on the progress of his biography of Charles Williams: "The Pleasure and the Pain; writing a biography of Charles Williams".

Anyone within reach of Oxford with an interest in this most important 'Inklings' poet and author would be VERY welcome.

Of Diffidence in Love

Yet sleeps she in her chamber : longer yet
I at her soul's gate will maintain the guard,
And watch beside shut casement, portals barred,
Till with the dawn her life its dreams forget.
Shall I dare sound then, lest the knocking fret
Her thoughts, much weighed with house-hold service hard ?
Or of the lit shrine break their still-regard ?
I dare : against the door my hand is set.

O soul, knock loudly, nor too greatly fear,
However them seem miserable and poor :
Estated by thine embassage art thou.
It is not meet, for  love's sake, thou shouldst bow
Too low.  O soul, knock softly, lest she hear ;
Knock softly, lest her hands undo the door.

Charles Williams
Sonnet 36
The Silver Stair (1912)

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