100 things you never knew about Charles Williams in 100 days (100-91)

Number of days to the launch of 
'Charles Williams: The Third Inkling"

Researched and written by Grevel Lindop.
You can pre-order (£25).  Click on the title above.

Day 100
In 1942 Charles Williams was called in by Oxford University Press to exorcise a haunted building (now the OUP shop) in Oxford High Street.

Day 99
Charles Williams attended the same school as the only English pope, Nicholas Breakspear, Pope Adrian IV.

Day 98
Charles Williams's favourite novel was Hadrian the Seventh, by Frederick Rolfe ('Baron Corvo').

Day 97
CW's grandfather was a militant atheist & republican who named one of his sons Cromwell!

Day 96
Charles Williams won a bronze medal in the 1924 Paris Olympics - for poetry.

Day 95
CW's Rosicrucian motto Qui Sitit Veniat 'Let him who is athirst come' is from the Bible's very last verse apart from St John's colophon.

Day 94
Charles Williams wrote his first novel after reading a thriller by Sax Rohmer, creator of Fu Manchu, and thinking 'I could do that!'

Day 93
CW walked to St Albans school daily over the spot where Protestant martyr George Tankerfield was burnt at the stake in 1555.

Day 92
In 1935 Charles Williams persuaded a cleaning-lady at OUP's Amen House to memorise long passages from Paradise Lost, Book XII.

Day 91
WH Auden wanted to buy CW's book but said it 'will require courage as I don't know how to pronounce it!'


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