Thû and Huan

Thus came Thû, as wolf more great
than e'er was seen from Angband's gate
to the burning south, than ever lurked
in mortal lands or murder worked.
Sudden he sprang, and Huan leaped
aside in shadow. On he swept
to Lúthien lying swooning faint.
To her drowning senses came the laint
of his foul breathing, and she stirred;
dizzily she spake a whispered word,
her mantle brushed across his face
He stumbled staggering in his pace.
Out leaped Huan. Back he sprang.
Beneath the stars there shuddering rang
the cry of hunting wolves at bay,
the tongue of hounds that fearless slay
Backward and forth they leaped and ran
feinting to flee, and round they span,
and bit and grappled, and fell and rose.

Then suddenly Huan holds and throws
his ghastly foe; his throat he rends
choking his life. Not so it ends.
From shape to shape, from wolf to worm,
from monster to his own demon form,
Thû changes, but that desperate grip
he cannot shake, nor form it slip
No wizardry, nor spell, nor dart,
no fang, nor venom, nor devil's art
could harm that hound that hart and boar
had hunted once in Valinor. 

The Geste of Beren and Lúthien

J.R.R. Tolkien
(lines 2,740 to 2,769)

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