Taliessin through Loegres

With the governments throughout the world now seeking to impose a foreign 'morality' on it's Christian subjects, I was reminded of the Prelude to Williams 'Taliessin' poems, and in particular the first two lines of 'Prelude II'. The whole context of Williams words here seem strangely prescient in the world of 2013 where once again we are engulfed in a battle of ideologies.

As Williams writes, "The blind rulers of Logres...", encapsulating for me the whole leadership of the liberal, I would say libertine, West. But what do you think?


Recalcitrant tribes heard;
orthodox wisdom sprang in Caucasia and Thule;
the glory of the Emperor stretched to the ends of the world.
In the season of midmost Sophia
the word of the Emperor established a kingdom in Britain;
they sang in Sophia the immaculate conception of wisdom.
Carbonek. Camelot, Caucasia,
were gates and containers, intermediations of light;
geography breathing geometry, the double-fledged Logos.

The blind rulers of Logres
nourished the land on a fallacy of rational virtue;
the seals of the saints were broken; the chairs of the Table reeled.
Galahad quickened in the Mercy;
but history began; the Moslem stormed Byzantium;
lost was the glory, lost the power and kingdom.
Call on the hills to hide us
lest, men said in the City, the lord of charity
ride in the starlight, sole flash of the Emperor's glory.

Evil and good were twins
once in the alleys of Ispahan; the Moslem
crying Alla il Alla destroyed the dualism of Persia.
Caucasia fell to the Moslem;
the mamelukes seized the ancient cornland of Empire.
Union is breached; the imams stand in Sophia.
Good is God, the muezzin
calls, but lost is the light on the hills of Caucasia,
Glory of the Emperor, glory of substantial being.

Charles Williams (1938) 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:45 pm

    You said " 'The blind rulers of Logres...', encapsulating for me the whole leadership of the liberal, I would say libertine, West. But what do you think?

    Secular humanism leads us to a place where the Spiritual is ignored and all "beliefs" are equal. Indeed " ... lost is the light on the hills of ,
    Glory of the Emperor, glory of substantial being."
