Tolkien on the death of Charles Wiliams

To 'Michal’ Williams, widow of Charles Williams
[Written on the day that Williams died, following an operation]

15 May 1945
20 Northmoor Road, Oxford

Dear Mrs Williams,
My heart goes out to you in sympathy, and I can say no more.  I share a little in your loss, for in the (far too brief) years since I first met him I had grown to admire and love your husband deeply, and I am more grieved than I can express.

Later, if you find that there is anything in which I might be of service to you and your son, please tell me.  Fr. Gervase Mathew is saying Mass at Blackfriars on Saturday at 8 a.m., and I shall serve him; but of course I shall have you all in my prayers immediately and continually: forsuch as they are worth.  Forgive this halting note.

Yours very sincerely,
J, R. R. Tolkien.
Letter #99
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

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