
With MichaelmasTerm just starting in Oxford, a poem from Charles Williams:

Adam and Eve came running
From Eden, heavy and sad;
Michael lightened behind them
With spears a myriad.
O love that is broken, broken!
(Sweet, were we running there?)
Lift from us, wings of Michael!
O sword of Michael, spare!

Mary lay in her chamber;
John the Apostle by.
Michael lightened before her,
'Behold, thine hour is nigh!’
O love exalted, exalted!
(Sweet, did we nurse the Lord?)
Gather us, wings of Michael!
Circle us, Michael's sword!

There was that war in heaven
Whereto the worlds were caught;
Michael fought and his angels,
Also the devil fought.
O love that is warring, warring!
(Us too shall that war rend?)
Beat for us, wings of Michael!
Sword of Michael, defend!

Charles Williams


  1. Anonymous6:22 pm

    Thanks for this. I start my degree in Theology at Oxford this Michaelmas term, while living as a Junior Scholar-in-Residence at the Kilns. I'm looking forward to participating in the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society.

  2. Hi my friend...

    Which College? I read Theology at Oxford in Wycliffe Hall... and the CSL Society is NOT to be missed.

    Roger R.

  3. Beautiful...thanks for posting
