The Company They Keep

This is the definitive treatment to date of the literary group known as the Inklings--that group of writers and friends who gathered around C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien beginning in the 1920's and 30's in Oxford, England and continuing on, in some fashion, until Lewis's death in 1963.

Glyer is professor of English at Azusa Pacific University in California, having received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Therefore, as one might expect, this is an academic book reflecting the highest level of scholarship. The chapter end notes are a feast in and of themselves for every reader fascinated not only with the Inklings but every reader intrigued by the study of literary influence and how writers can positively effect one another and the world when they work together in community.
(From Will Vaus' blog)

Having purchased the book (via and having it shipped to the UK from the States, I awaited it with keen anticipation. I am not disappointed. Whilst it has not really taught me anything of a major nature that I did not know about the various relationships within the Inklings, it certainly brings all the evidence of 'collaboration' into clear view. Now half-way through in my reading, I concur with Will regarding the feast at the end of each chapter. A treat, thank you Will for your recommendation. I don't think I would have discovered it without your earlier review.


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying the book, Roger. I met Diana at the recent C. S. Lewis conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Her lecture, on fictional treatments by the Inklings of each other, was easily one of the best lectures of the entire conference.

  2. Anonymous6:16 pm

    I am also reading and enjoying this book, not only because it advances our understanding of the Inklings and how they work, or because of the excellent things squirelled away in the notes and appendices, but larkely because it is so illuminating about the art of writing itself
