Arthur C. Clarke & C.S. Lewis

In 1956 Clarke moved to Sri Lanka to pursue his hobby of scuba diving. That's the year when C.S. Lewis told Kathryn Lindskoog that the best science fiction book, in his opinion, was Clarke's ‘Childhood's End’. (Lewis didn't happen to mention that he and Clarke were acquainted, and that he had a close friend named Joy Gresham who was a friend of Clarke's.)

About ten years later Clarke mentioned Lewis in an article called ‘Armchair Astronauts’ in Holiday magazine:

“Less sympathetic to our aims was Dr. C. S. Lewis, author of two of the very few works of space fiction that can be classed as literature -– ‘Out of the Silent Planet’ and ‘Perelandra’. Both of these fine books contained attacks on scientists in general, and astronauts in particular, which aroused my ire. I was especially incensed by a passage in ‘Perelandra’ referring to ‘little Interplanetary Societies and Rocketry Clubs’...

An extensive correspondence with Dr. Lewis led to a meeting in a famous Oxford pub, the Eastgate... Needless to say, neither side converted the other. But a fine time was had by all, and when, some hours later, we emerged a little unsteadily from the Eastgate, Dr. Lewis' parting words were, ‘I'm sure you're very wicked people-but how dull it would be if everyone was good’. ”

1 comment:

  1. Everyone on the internet seems to be citing this quote from the wrong date. Please correct this. Correct citation is Holiday, May 1963, v. 33, issue 5, pp. 94-95, 175, 178, 184. Title and author are correct. Quote cited is on page 175.
